The Electron-Hero console is the heart of it all. Using the very simple console, you can put the URL in for a slack app and then hit "Install". Once installed, you simply click "Run" and you're up and running. See below some of the apps we've developed as part of developing Electron-Hero. Some are simple, some are more complex, it's all a work in progress, so consider all these apps BETA.

Get the console (Mac only currently)


Ruler -

The Ruler app is about as simple of an Electron-Hero app that you can get. As we worked on Electron-Hero, we thought it was a perfect time to bring it to life as a test Electron-App. Even though the base app is simple, keep it in mind if you need a UI that is frameless, easy to drag around and doesn't necessarily obscure what is below it, this is what you're looking for.


Starter -

The "starter" app is a great starting point for your first Electron-Hero app. It's a simple 2 pane app using PhotonKit to give it some UI love. If you want to see what makes Electron-Hero tick, this is a great place to start. Load it up, and then go mess with the source code and just hit "Reload" and you'll see your changes!


Resizable Grid -

Having an interactive grid is always a cool thing to use, but it can be a pain to code. This is just another good example of how easy it is to integrate a good Javascript library into Electron-Hero. Also, all these example apps were made to run together and be happy, so if you need a tree view in the left nav, with a resizable grid in the detail pane, we've got your back!


Tree-View -

If you think that adding a tree-view to your project will take a lot of time and add complexity, think again. This starter is a great way to get an app with a nice looking tree view integrated. And this isn't just a simple tree view with a few items, we read from the file system and show you the files in your directory, plus have event handlers to show how easy it is to get info about the item that was clicked.


Text-Diff -

Text-Diff is another example of "just because it's small doesn't mean it's not useful". This is actually something that we've been using in-house quite a bit. Sometimes a simple diff on 2 files can really help out, and that's exactly what Text-Diff does. And as always, if you want to customize it or totally change it, the source code is just a "Show in Finder" away.


Slack-Status -

I use slack every day, and I try to keep my Slack status as current as possible. Having my calendar connected via a slack app helps, but then I like to have my away time updated too. Manually changing the status and the away indicator many times a day becomes a pain. Enter Slack-Status. You can setup function keys to set your availability, your status icon and a status message all with one tap of a button.


Touch-Bar -

Touch Bar is one of the cooler things added to Mac. It's not always clear where it makes sense to add it in. So, using Electron-Hero let's you whip up a quick UI with a fully functional Touch Bar easily. Even better, you can very easily share it with a client or co-worker and get their input on it before you spent a lot of time on it. Fail fast!


Calc -

Although Calc for Electron-Hero isn't the biggest app in the world, it's a very good example of being able to duplicate a popular app and make some easy customizations to it. Probably aren't a lot of people that would fire up X-Code and spend a few weeks making a customizable version of the classic "Calculator". But when you can build it from scratch in about 4 hours and be able to customize the heck out of it, and easily share with the world, it seems to make a lot more sense.


Todo-List -

To-Do lists are a great way to stay organized. The "To-Do" list for Electron-Hero is a nice middle ground of a standard "Hello World" app and something that actually accomplishes something. To-Do list has some nice navigation, storing information locally and showing that even slightly better than simple apps serve a purpose. We're also working on a data abstraction layer to latch onto some API driven task lists such as


Atom-Hero -

Atom-Hero was a way to see if you could build something really useful with Electron-Hero. And the answer is yes! Using CodeMirror we were able to fairly easily get a tabbed, text editor working in about a week. It also helped us to develop a flexible tree view for the file navigator that is compact, simple and easy to re-use in other projects.